Meet the Driver Camden Murphy - Blue Thunder

Set it as a goal, and don’t stop until you make it happen!

Name: Camden Murphy

Hometown: Itasca, Illinois

Date of Birth: July 23, 1996

Started Competing in Monster Jam: 2017

About Camden Murphy

What are some of your interests/hobbies/favourite pastimes? Other than driving racecars, I love to build and tinker on things in the garage. I also love to go and train on Go Karts whenever I can.

Who are your role models? Camden Murphy: My role models are NASCAR driver Carl Edwards and Monster Jam driver Tom Meents.

Do you have any ‘pre-show’ rituals you run through?I always put on all my safety equipment the same way.

What’s something a lot of people don’t know about you? I teach people how to drive fast for a living and I love old trucks!

What is your favourite memory on or off the racetrack? One of my favourite memories off the track was when I surprised a fan of mine while they were being treated at Lurie Children’s Hospital. It was a huge humbling moment for me.

What is your most prized possession? The first thing that comes to mind is my car. I take care of it like no other because it allows me to drive across the country and do what I love to do.

Life on the Road with Monster Jam

What is the best and worst thing about being on the road every weekend with Monster Jam? There is nothing bad about it! My job is to travel across the country and give the fans the time of their lives!

While on the road, what is your favourite thing to do during your free time? I love to go and find a local restaurant to eat at.

How do you keep fit? As a Monster Jam athlete, I go to the gym and train. I also ride bikes as much as possible.

What item(s) can you not live without while traveling on the road with Monster Jam? That’s a great question. There really isn’t anything I can’t live without.

What is your favourite city to travel to? Why? I love them all! It doesn’t matter where we go, I love seeing my Pirate’s Curse fans!


How did you get started competing in Monster Jam? I set it as a goal, and didn’t stop until I got there.

What is your favourite part about competing in Monster Jam? The fans! I love the competition but the Monster Jam fans are everything!

How would you describe your driving style? I would have to say it is smooth but aggressive.

What advice would you give to kids who want to become a Monster Jam driver? Set it as a goal, and don’t stop until you make it happen!

What is your greatest memory as a Monster Jam driver? I don’t have one great memory. All of my memories are great. Every time I get to see my Monster Jam fans is awesome!

Who in Monster Jam do you look up to for inspiration? It would have to be my Monster Jam Professors: Tom Meents, Charlie Pauken & Jon Zimmer.

Hometown Information

Where did you grow up? Itasca, Illinois

What major city is it near? Chicago, Illinois

What high school/college did you attend? If applicable, what degree did you receive? I attended Lake Park High School in Roselle, Illinois.

Fun Facts

Do you have any nicknames? My main nickname is Cam.

What’s your favourite movie? That’s a tough one! I love Pirates of the Caribbean as well as Interstellar.

What’s your favourite TV show?  Shark Tank

What’s your favourite color? Blue

What’s your favourite thing to eat? Shrimp

What’s your favourite restaurant on the road? Subway

How would your friend and family describe you? Dedicated, determined and outgoing!